Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting Part 1

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Some of Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting Part 1

are countless benefits at all; it starts from improved weight management and healthier blood cell regeneration through to better heart function and vascular wellbeing and all vitality body systems in general.

Fasting in general has been used in medicine for medical reasons including weight management, for rest of the digestive tract and for lowering lipids or in some others medical cases. During fasting, cells are put in stress and this can help to lose weight as fat is used as a source of energy.

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting , Health Benefits Of Ramadan , Fasting , Health Benefits , Ramadan Fasting , Ramadan , Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting

Islamic fasting is different from all other diet plans; because in Ramadan fasting, there is no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake. The caloric intake of Muslims during Ramadan is at or slightly below the national requirement guidelines; the important thing is everything that is permissible from food or drink is taken in moderate quantities. In addition, the fasting in Ramadan is voluntarily taken for God blessing and is not a prescribed imposition from the physician.

When fasting, be sure to stay hydrated, eat nutrient-dense foods and get plenty of rest. It’s best to consult with your doctor before fasting if you have any underlying health conditions or are planning to fast for more than 24 hours.

Here in this post we will name some of these Health benefits of fasting Ramadan but not all of them.

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting , Health Benefits Of Ramadan , Fasting , Health Benefits , Ramadan Fasting , Ramadan , Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting

First Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting is Lasting Appetite Reduction

After the first day of fasting Ramadan you will find that you are not able to consume much food upon breaking your fast. This is due to the fact that the less you put into your stomach over a length of time, the more your stomach shrinks – leading you to feel full after just a small amount of food.

As our bodies get accustomed to how often we eat; a few days of intermittent fasting can drastically decrease our appetite in the long run. Upon breaking the fast, the human body cannot consume a large amount comfortably as the stomach shrinks – leading you to feel satisfied after a smaller meal than usual.

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting , Health Benefits Of Ramadan , Fasting , Health Benefits , Ramadan Fasting , Ramadan , Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting

Second Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting is the Blood Sugar

During the fasting process; glucose levels are stabilized which can lead to the prevention of type 2 diabetes as a result.

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting , Health Benefits Of Ramadan , Fasting , Health Benefits , Ramadan Fasting , Ramadan , Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting

Third Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting is Blood Pressure

A decrease in the body’s salt intake; and loss of salt through urine lowers the body’s blood pressure and you will fell well.

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting , Health Benefits Of Ramadan , Fasting , Health Benefits , Ramadan Fasting , Ramadan , Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting

Forth Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting is Metabolism

One of the more obvious results of fasting is alleviating obesity; where you can find that fasting prompts the liver’s enzymes to break down cholesterol; and fats to convert them into bile acid, which, in turn, converts to heat – ultimately stimulating faster metabolism. Naturally, fasting also decreases the appetite which reduces the hunger hormone levels in the body.

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting , Health Benefits Of Ramadan , Fasting , Health Benefits , Ramadan Fasting , Ramadan , Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting

Fifth Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting : Absorb more useful Nutrients

By not eating throughout the day during Ramadan you’ll find that your metabolism becomes more efficient, meaning the amount of nutrients you absorb from food improves more than before. This is because of an increase in a hormone called “adiponectin”; which is produced by a combination of fasting; and eating late at night. This hormone allows your muscles to absorb more nutrients. Plus this will lead to health benefits all around the body; as various areas are able to better absorb and make use of the nutrients they need to function.

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting , Health Benefits Of Ramadan , Fasting , Health Benefits , Ramadan Fasting , Ramadan , Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting

Health Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting : Ditch Bad Habits

Smoking and eating a lot of food is one of the biggest bad habits; that you can ditch it in the month of Ramadan. Because you will be fasting during the Ramadan day, So; Ramadan is the perfect time to ditch your bad habits for good. Some vices such as smoking and all sugary foods should not be indulged during Ramadan; and as you abstain from them your body will gradually acclimatize to their absence; until your addiction is kicked for good.

Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends and we will meet again in Health benefits of Ramadan fasting part 2.

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